Expressive Arts and Design
At Grasmere Nursery School we provide the children with a range of experiences and opportunities to help develop and promote their love of Expressive Arts and Design.
"We believe that children need regular opportunities to engage with the arts, enabling them to explore and play with a wide range of media and materials". Statutory Framework for the early years foundation stage, (2021).
We supply open-ended activities and resources to build upon the children's imagination and creativity. Each classroom has a role-play area that supports the children's imagination and communication.
In early years, Expressive Arts and Design is one of the specific area's of learning. It is broken down into 2 aspects:
Creating with Materials - How do children use tools, materials and resources creatively. How do they build and construct using a variety of materials and how do they use props during role-play.
Being Imaginative and Expressive - How children use their imagination in a variety of ways. How they explore musical instruments.
At Grasmere, through our bespoke curriculum, EAD provides opportunities and experiences for the children to fulfil our 'Grasmere Grassroot Goals' which include:
-Create a Dance
-Create a Story
-Follow a Recipe
-Create This is Me.
The Prime areas of learning are strengthened and applied through all the specific areas of learning, At Grasmere we provide a safe, nurturing environment where all our children learn through exploration and play.